As we are a little more than a month into the year 2023, we are all greeted by new challenges that we did not see last year that we must overcome. For me, the biggest challenge of course is the ongoing challenge to be the best father I can be to my children. Beyond that, it’s keeping the motivation as I pursue my degree. I have 2 years down, so I’m halfway there.
Part of what keeps me going is the taste of failure that I have experienced in the past. I want to avoid that as much as possible going forward. I strive every day to set a better example to my kids of perseverance. As I start to get into the “meaty” part of my classwork, the challenges will become more difficult and frequent. So I would appreciate any prayers, positive vibes, etc. to me sent my way. My goal is to work for myself one day. I realize that will take quite a bit of work but I believe it will happen. I hope that each of you that come across this have a blessed day.